Chicks in the Nursery!

Chicks in the Nursery!

This week we had a delivery from the living eggs company of 10 chicken eggs, along with an incubator and brooder. The children have been able to see the eggs hatch into baby chicks. The children have been fascinated watching the chicks hatch from the eggs watching how the chicks change in a short space of time. There have been lots of questions about the eggs, where they come from, where they will go, what they eat/drink etc.  They have also been learning about the differences in the chicks that the boy chicks are pale yellow and the girls are darker. The chicks have since been moved out of the incubator into the brooder where they will live for the next week until they return to the farm. Please feel free to come and have a look at the chicks in the Cherry Room when you drop off/pick up your children.






