We have produced a home learning booklet that can be used by parents to keep their children learning at home if they are unable to attend school during the covid pandemic. Please click here to download:  

Home Learning Pack


Staff are also regularly putting activities for you to do with your child on Tapestry. If you cannot access Tapestry or have lost your login details please contact the school office on 0121 675 3408.


If your child is currently at home as you are self-isolating a member of our team will phone you on a weekly basis to check on your child and family. They will also be able to give you support with your home learning during this phonecall. These phonecalls may come from a withheld number as isolating staff may be phoning you from home.


Useful home learning websites:

Hungry Little Minds is a government website that has lots of fun activities for children aged 0-5 https://hungrylittleminds.campaign.gov.uk/

BBC Tiny Happy People has lots of ideas to develop your child’s communication skills. https://www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people

BBC Bitesize has lots of early years resources for learning at home. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zks4kmn

National Literacy Trust Words for Life has lots of ideas to help support your child’s literacy development https://wordsforlife.org.uk/

Love My Books is a website that provides activities and resources for you to enjoy books together with your child http://www.lovemybooks.co.uk/

Libraries from Home is a website where you can find online rhyme times and story times to help support your child’s language and literacy. https://www.librariesconnected.org.uk/page/librariesfromhome

Change4Life is a NHS website that gives lots of easy ways you can eat well and move more https://www.nhs.uk/change4life


Other Activities



50 Things To Do Before You’re 5

Stories to explain COVID

https://www.elsa-support.co.uk/coronavirus-story-for-children/ https://en.calameo.com/read/000777721945cfe5bb9cc?authid=Xu9pcOzU3TQx


Government Guidance
